Chapter 247-23 D – prohibits the diversion of surface or other waters to and upon Borough streets, drains, gutters, and culverts. This includes downspouts and sump pumps. If you have a pipe discharging to the street or sidewalk you are in violation of the Borough Code. In addition to contributing to stormwater volumes, stormwater can damage streets and sidewalks, harbor mosquitos, and in the winter cause serious hazardous conditions with ice.
Chapter 247-6 – prohibits the accumulation of snow and ice from any private property to occur on the sidewalk or street.
The minimum penalty starts at $100 and can go as high as $2,000.
Residents who have drainage issues are urged to consider a cistern, rain barrel, dry well or other Stormwater Best Management Practices. A complete guide can be found at
Do not cut the curb and drain sump pump or roof drain water to the street! | Consider dry wells, cisterns or rain barrels! |