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Rental Registration

Rental Checklist:

1. Landlord Application (must be filled out and returned to Borough Hall)
2. Rental Registration Application (can be filled out online)
a. Only need the following if not previously submitted:
i. Floorplan with bedroom dimensions
ii. Lead-Safe or Lead-Free Certificate if built prior to 1978
iii. $20/unit inspected for lead paint for the state lead fee
3. $35/unit registration fee (Must be paid before March 2025 to avoid late fees)
a. Can only be paid with cash or check sent to Borough Hall
4. Schedule your rental inspection
a. Monday-Thursdays from 12-2pm
b. Call Magda at x106 to set that up

If you have any trouble with Cloudpermit, or any questions regarding the Residential Rental Registration Program, please call (973) 347-0252 x106 or email [email protected].

Every residential rental unit must be registered annually in accordance with Chapter 228 of the Borough code.  Additionally, New Jersey law (P.L. 2021, c. 182) now requires that a certified lead evaluation contractor perform inspections of single-family, two-family, and multi-family residential rental dwellings built before 1978 for lead-based paint hazards. These inspections MUST be complete by July 22, 2024 or tenant turnover; whichever comes first. Fines assessed for non-compliance can be as much as $1,000 per week.

Here is the annual Rental Registration Form, however, the Borough will now be administering the rental registrations through Cloudpermit. Most of your information has already been entered into the system, and if there was already an email on file for you, you may have received an email invitation to view your workspace. Your responsibility, whether through Cloudpermit or paper application, is to provide any missing information, and sign off and submit the application. This form must be completed and returned to the Borough or submitted in Cloudpermit no later than February 2, 2024. Landlords are responsible for providing all the requested information, including a floor plan, your email address and either a Lead-Free Certificate or a Lead-Safe Certificate. The floorplan must show every room in the house, and delineate the number of bedrooms as well as the dimensions of each bedroom. To view your Cloudpermit workspace, go to and create an account.

Once your completed registration application has been submitted, the Borough will do a completeness review. Once that is done, an invoice will be generated, and once the fee is paid via cash or check you will be able to schedule an inspection of your unit(s) either online or in person. It is your responsibility, as the owner of the property, not your tenants, to schedule the appointment. If it is necessary to reschedule an inspection because no one is present or because the unit has failed, an additional fee must be paid prior to reinspection. No inspection or reinspection will be scheduled without the fee first being paid. The Borough will only conduct two reinspection for any reason, after which summonses will be issued.   Inspections can only be scheduled between 12:00 noon and 3:00 PM, Monday through Thursday. Once the unit passes inspection a certificate with the number of allowable occupants will be provided to you.  This certificate must be posted in a conspicuous location within the dwelling.  If a spot inspection finds no certificate present a summons will be issued.

The Borough is adopting a “zero-tolerance” stand regarding enforcement of both state and local rules governing rental registration and inspections.   Summons will be issued after one warning.

If you have any trouble with Cloudpermit, or any questions regarding the Residential Rental Registration Program, please call (973) 347-0252.

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